Jackson Hearing Center, part of Palo Alto Unified School District, at Fairmeadow Elementary (grades Pre-K to 5) and JLS Middle School and Gunn High School. Contact Holly Wade, Director of Student Services, 650-856-0845.
Jean Weingarten Peninsula Oral School for the Deaf, 3518 Jefferson Avenue, Redwood City, CA 94062, 650-365-7500.
Let Them Hear – information & advocacy for the hearing-impaired.
San Francisco SPCA Hearing Dog Program, 2500 16th Street, San Francisco, CA 94103, 415-554-3020 V; 554-3022 TDD.
SoundWave Center – provides AVT (Auditory-Verbal Therapy) to hearing impaired & deaf children along with those with additional disabilities (ADHD, autism, language disorders, LD, cerebral palsy, etc.). Techniques are NOT speech language techniques; rather AVT & are taught by trained & certified AVT therapist with a MEd/Special Education. Contact: Victoria Deasy, MEd, CED, Cert AVT, 650-570-6369, email:soundwavecenter@aol.com.